Daily Activity Levels
Let’s have a chat about how much activity you are doing on a daily basis. Does your job involve sitting for long periods of time? Are your evenings generally spent sat in front of the T.V?
If this is the case, you definitely are not getting enough exercise. Even if you do go to the gym 3 times a week for an hour at a time. There are 168 hours in a week and you are spending just 3 of those exercising. That’s not even 2% of your week!!
Don’t get me wrong, something is better than nothing, but to fully achieve results with improving your health you must plan more time into your day for activity. A brisk walk during your lunch break or in the evening will make a huge difference. Take the stairs rather than the lift wherever possible. Park your car further from your destination. These are all simple ways to become more active.
We live in a world where everything is too easy for us and we all need to be more mindful of just how little physical activity we do throughout the day. Get off of your bums and do something. Anything physical that will get you slightly out of breath.
Do it for your future self before it is too late!!